10 things you need to pay attention to when taking care of cats

Taking care of cats requires attention and responsibility, as cats have specific needs that must be met for their health and well-being. Some reasons why it’s important to pay attention when taking care of cats include

How to taking care of cats

taking care of cats

1) Avoid rough handling:

Cats are delicate creatures and can easily be injured if handled roughly. Avoid pulling on their tails or limbs, lifting them by the scruff of their neck, or rough play.

Rough handling of cats can cause physical harm to the animal, as well as emotional distress. Cats are agile and can jump, climb, and run with great speed and flexibility, but their bodies are still delicate and can be injured if handled roughly. For example:

  • Pulling on a cat’s tail can cause pain, discomfort, and even dislocation or fracture of the tail bones.
  • Picking up a cat by the scruff of their neck, which is a reflexive behavior that mother cats use to carry their kittens, can be harmful to an adult cat as it can cause pain and discomfort in the neck area.
  • Rough play, such as grabbing or hitting a cat, can cause physical harm and emotional distress, and may lead to aggressive behavior in the cat.

Cats are sensitive animals and can pick up on our emotions and intentions. If we approach them with kindness, gentleness, and respect, they are more likely to feel comfortable and safe around us. It’s important to handle cats with care, and to always be mindful of their well-being.

2) Biting

Cats may resort to biting when they are scared, feeling threatened, or simply don’t want to be touched. It is important to know them and their behavior so that you can recognize the signs before it gets to this point. If your cat is growling or meowing in a low, harsh tone, then it is time to back off. To help reduce the likelihood of biting, offer your cat plenty of playtime and attention throughout the day. This will help make them feel more secure and less likely to lash out. Additionally, offering a variety of toys and scratching posts can help redirect their energy away from attacking people.

3) Claws

Cats use their claws to mark their territory, climb and hunt, but they can also use them defensively. They may become aggressive if they feel threatened and will often lash out with their claws. It’s important to know them and understand why cats might use them so you can be prepared to diffuse any aggression.

Trimming your cat’s nails regularly can help reduce the potential for injury and damage to your home. If you have difficulty trimming your cat’s claws, try using a soft cloth or glove as a distraction and reward your pet with treats when they are cooperative.

Another way to prevent clawing is by providing scratching posts. This allows cats to satisfy their instinctual need to scratch without damaging furniture. Provide several scratching posts in various places throughout the house and make sure they are sturdy enough to stand up to your pet’s claws.

4) Strangers

angry cat

Cats can be very territorial animals, so it’s not surprising that they don’t take kindly to unfamiliar people. When cats encounter a stranger, they often become very defensive and may start hissing and even swatting. It’s important to help your cat learn to be comfortable with strangers as this will help minimize their stress levels when you have visitors over.

First, make sure to introduce strangers to your cat slowly and gradually. Give them time to get used to each other before attempting any interaction. It may also help to give your cat a few treats or let them sniff around the stranger before interacting with them. Make sure that strangers never corner your cat or move too quickly in their direction as this could frighten them and make the situation worse.

It’s also important to ensure that strangers never try to pick up or hold your cat without first asking your permission. If you give them the okay, make sure that they approach your cat slowly and keep their hands close to the ground so that your cat can make a safe escape if they choose to do so.

Lastly, it’s important to remember that some cats just may not like strangers. If this is the case with your cat, it’s best to accept their feelings and provide a safe space for them while someone is visiting your home.

5) Loud Noises

Noise is one of the most common causes of distress for cats. They are sensitive to loud and sudden noises, such as thunderstorms, fireworks, and vacuum cleaners. Constant noise from sources like construction or traffic can also be extremely disruptive for cats. When it comes to loud noises, cats will usually seek shelter and hide away to distance themselves from the sound.

If you live in a noisy environment, there are a few things that you can do to help reduce your cat’s stress. Try playing white noise or calming music during times when the noise is particularly loud. You can also provide hiding spots throughout the house so that your cat has somewhere to go when they feel scared or overwhelmed by the noise. Lastly, make sure that your cat has plenty of stimulation during times when they are confined to the house due to loud noises outside. This will help keep them calm and occupied until the noise has passed.

6) Water

Cats do not like water. Most cats will run away if they even hear the sound of running water. Some cats are so afraid of water that they won’t even drink it. For these cats, it’s important to make sure that you provide other sources of hydration such as canned food or wet treats.

If you have a cat that does not mind water, there are still some precautions you should take. Make sure you always use lukewarm water and never put them in water that is too deep or too hot. Also, avoid using the sink or bathtub if possible, as cats can get scared when they are confined in a small area.

When it comes to bathing your cat, make sure you introduce them to water slowly and use plenty of positive reinforcement. If your cat gets too stressed during the process, stop immediately and try again another time. If your cat seems to enjoy baths, make sure you use a cat-safe shampoo and conditioner.

It’s also important to note that cats can drown if left unattended in a bathtub, so never leave them alone with water. By following these simple tips, you can help ensure that your cat has a safe and pleasant experience with water.

7) Vet Visits

cat Tom

One of the most dreaded experiences for cats is a trip to the vet. In their minds, a visit to the vet is the equivalent of being dragged off to prison. Many cats become stressed and anxious just at the mere thought of a vet visit. To help your cat cope with vet visits, make sure you provide plenty of positive reinforcement before, during, and after. Start by rewarding them with treats and loving pats whenever you even mention the word “vet.” Then, try to create a calming atmosphere inside the car while driving to the vet, such as playing soothing music or putting a blanket over their carrier. Make sure to reward them with treats when they enter the vet’s office, as well as when they leave. If you have multiple cats, separate them into different carriers so they don’t have to interact with each other, which can also be a source of stress. Lastly, after the visit, make sure to give your cat some extra TLC to help them recover from the stressful experience. With consistent positive reinforcement, your cat will eventually learn that trips to the vet aren’t so bad after all.

8) Changes in routine

Cats are creatures of habit and they don’t like it when their routine is disrupted. If you decide to move house, change your furniture around or even just switch up the feeding times then your cat may become agitated and stressed. It’s important to try and keep to your cat’s regular routine as much as possible to help them feel comfortable and secure. Try introducing any changes slowly by gradually increasing the amount of time they spend away from familiar sights, smells and sounds. Make sure that if you do switch up their routine that you still give them plenty of attention and affection.

9) Being picked up

Most cats don’t appreciate being picked up and carried, but it’s often necessary for owners to do so. To help make the experience less stressful for both cats and owners, start by letting your cat come to you first. Don’t reach out and grab them, as that can scare them. Instead, let them approach you and sniff you before you gently pick them up. Make sure you’re aware of their body language while you’re carrying them, as they may struggle if they feel uncomfortable. Make sure to hold your cat securely but not too tightly. Use one arm to support their chest and back legs, and use your other arm to support their front legs and head. If your cat is particularly stressed, talk to them in a calm voice or try petting their head and body. If possible, place them back on the ground after a few seconds instead of carrying them for longer periods.

10) Being left alone

funny cat

One of the most common and disliked things cats hate is being left alone. This can often lead to destructive behaviors such as scratching furniture or urinating in areas they shouldn’t. Cats are social animals, and leaving them alone for long periods can be incredibly distressing.

If you have to leave your cat home alone, it’s important to make sure its environment is as comfortable as possible. Ensure that their litter box is clean, food and water bowls are filled, and there are plenty of toys for them to play with. You may also want to invest in a window perch or cat tree for your feline friend to enjoy while you’re away.

It’s also important to spend quality time with your cat when you’re home. Show your love by petting and brushing your cat, playing interactive games together, and speaking softly to them. The more attention they get while you’re around, the more content they will be when you’re not there.


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